Wife battering is wrong by the standards of God and man and GBM should account for his behaviour. In Ephesians chapter five the Apostle Paul tells us that husbands should care for their wives as they care for their own bodies. The Apostle goes further to note that people do not harm their bodies rather they nurture them. GBM is supposed to nurture his wife and not batter her. GBM has broken Gods law and should repent. With regards to man's law to the very least he has assaulted his wife and should face the consequences for his actions.
Another matter that I would like to comment on is GBM's lack of repentance. GBM has said he apologise and then goes no to effectively say what he did is not so wrong. This is not repentance. To repent is to admit you are wrong and deserve to be punished, turn your back on you wrong behaviour and Begin living as you ought (ultimately turning to Christ). In light of GBMs lack of repentance I believe that society should continue to condemn his behaviour until he is brought to repentance and not relent from prosecuting him for breaking the law.

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