Monday, December 19, 2011

On the topic of modesty II

[Okay last post I talked about the 'cover it all' approach to modesty, now lets look at the 'lets up it on display apprach'. As I mention last post it is wrong from the standpoint of both the creation and the fall. First creation. Human beings were created sexual beings and were created to respond to each other sexually. Secondly the fall. It seems originally humans were designed only to sexually respond to their spouses hence we were not created with clothes on. However we are fallen and live in a fallen world hence our sexual responses tend to be disordered and we need clothes to manage them. Put these two fact together, going out in a bikini is in appropriate since it will draw in discriminate sexual response from men a woman is not married to.
So how shall we dress then? Read my first post.;

On the topic of modesty

[Well this blog started with a posts on modesty. I think it is time to revisit the topic. In Zambia there seem to be two main trends with regards to the presentation of the female body. Put as much of it on display as possible or do your best to mute female sexuality. I think the presuppositions, the thinking behind both trends are wrong and ungodly.

Lets start by discussing the approach that wants to cover up the female body. What could possibly be wrong with that one may ask? It we eliminate a source of sexual temption wont the world be a better placed. I don't think so on atleast two counts. Firstly it implicitly denies that God created the human body and declared it God. Women are meant to be physically attractive by design. To treat their physical attractiveness as a source of evil is to take a wrong turn. Sin is in our hearts and our approach to feminine modesty must be consistent with this. Wearing a tent will not dddtygeliminate lust.Male lust does not reside in female attire. It resides in male hearts. If we want deal with lust we preach the Gospel. That is of course not to give licence to nudism, it is just pointing out the need to be clear in our minds what we are and are not accomplishing through female modesty. For a Fuller treatment of the subject please read my very first post.