I know I have taken my time writing my first post on Zambia the Christian Nation, I have been thinking and re thinking my approach in light of the comments I have received. I have however resolved to write the post as I initially conceived it and you will be able to read that post on Friday. After I finish the series I will take time to interact with your comments.

But before that here is something from C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters. For those unfamiliar with the book, it is a series fictional letter from a senior tempter (demon) to a junior tempter, these letters provide the junior tempter with advice on how best to tempt Christians. The value of the book for the Christian is as a means of reflect on the temptations that Christains face in the various stages of thier lives.
This is a portion of a letter that touches on the subject of the Christian and politics:
About the general connection between Christianity and politics, our position is more delicate.
Certainly we do not want men to allow their Christianity to flow over into their political life, for the establishment of anything like a really just society would be a major disaster.
On the other hand, we do want, and want very much, to make men treat Christianity as a means; preferably, of course, as a means to their own advancement, but, failing that, as a means to anything—even to social justice.
The thing to do is to get a man at first to value social justice as a thing which the Enemy [=God] demands, and then work him on to the stage at which he values Christianity because it may produce social justice. For the Enemy will not be used as a convenience. Men or nations who think they can revive the Faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of Heaven as a short cut to the nearest chemist’s shop. Fortunately it is quite easy to coax humans round this little corner.
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