If you read the Sunday Times of 14th March 2010 you might have read an article by Enock Ngoma on homosexuality in prisons. The article basically asked Zambian’s to get their heads out of the sand and face the issue. In Enock’s opinion facing the issue and providing the prisoners with means of protecting themselves from the spread of HIV is the realistic and humane thing to do,Enoch’s article deserves an in depth response which I am not in a position to give at this time but I would like to share a few brief thoughts on Enoch’s article.
Before, I get into the thick of things I would like to agree with Enock that the abusive comments by Christian’s against homosexuals are unacceptable. Homosexuals are still in the image of God and on this basis we ought to be mindful how we address them. (James 3:9) Further, homosexuals are sinners just like everyone else and we should graciously seek to engage them and call them to the savior. They are no more lost or reprehensible that other sinners. Our speech and actions should reflect this fact. Now moving on to my points of contention.
Firstly, Enock seems to presuppose that if someone is inclined a given behavior pattern, then that behavior pattern is “natural” and is therefore a legitimate activity to engage in. In the case in point, Enock presupposes that certain people are inclined to have homosexual sex, therefore homosexual sex is natural for them, therefore they can legitimately engage in homosexual sex. I think this reasoning is wrong for several reasons. This line of reasoning presupposes that human sexuality has no purpose and can therefore be put to whatever use a person is inclined to. I would argue that this is wrong. Firstly, as a Bible believer I note that scripture informs us that sexuality is a gift from God to celebrate the union between a man and his spouse and for the propagation of the human race. (Genesis 2:18-25) Biology also lets us know that sexuality is designed for reproduction. At this point one may argue that while it may be true that a thing is designed for a specific purpose it might be legitimately used for a secondary purpose without violating the original purpose for the thing. Take for example an umbrella is designed to shield a person from the rain it can also be used to shield someone from the sun. I would argue that this kind of reasoning cannot be applied to sex because sex is not a morally neutral act. Once again starting with the Bible. The Bible places several prohibitions on engaging in extramarital sex, incestuous sex and homosexual sex. Sociology also shows us that across space and time human beings have set up strict norms about sex. (Leviticus 18, Romans 1: 26,27) Thus the Bible and sociology reveal that God and Man agree that sex is not morally neutral and only morally legitimate forms of sex can be engaged in. Enock seems to argue that personal inclination is a legitimate means of determining what kind of sex is moral sex. I think that this is not true let us consider the case of the pedophile to see why. A pedophile is a person who is inclined to have sex with children. This behavior is culturally and legally unacceptable. However, using Enoch’s presuppositions this is a legitimate form of sexual expression. On the basis of this I believe that we need another standard to determine if what Enoch is suggesting is legitimate. I propose the Bible and refer you to the top of this rather paragraph to see what I believe the Bibles position on the matter is.
Now let’s consider whether persons in jail should be equipped with the tools to prevent the spread of HIV in prison. The first thing I would like to point out is that the persons we are discussing are incarcerated for crime. The purposes behind their incarceration include the deprivation of certain liberties and comforts in order punish them and hopefully induce behavioral change. In Zambia one of the things prisoner are deprived of is sex of any kind. I believe that on this basis it would be in appropriate to legitimize prison indirectly by providing the prisoners with tools such as condoms. Secondly, as Enock admits some prison sex is rape. Rape should not be legitimized in the name of preventing the spread of HIV. Instead prison authorities ought to take measures to protect the persons who are being raped.
I could go on but I think that for the purposes of this post I am done. God bless you.
PS. I have corrected the spelling of the authors name which earlier appeared as Enoch and have inserted the name of the newspaper in which the article was published and the date of publication.
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