I am sure you have noticed the recent revival of polygamy in Zambia. For a number of years at the funerals of several prominent Zambian’s we have come to know that the deceased had parallel families that knew nothing of each other. Upon inquiry it is usually found that several “key” members of the man’s extended family knew of this arrangement and facilitated these second, third and even fourth marriages. Recently however, the revival has “come out of the closest”, those who read Zambian newspapers will no doubt remember and article about a member of the Cabinet who has two wives who know of each other and live in harmony. As if that weren’t shocking enough, the article revealed that the man’s first wife served as matron at his marriage to his second wife. Then on the international scene there is of course there is Jacaob Zuma. What more needs to be said?
Recently, the media has joined in the Polygamy advocacy campaign. Bliss magazine for example recently published a pro polygamy article. In article an advocate of polygamy noted that several Biblical figures were polygamists. Though the article did not develop the point exegetically the clear implication is, since polygamy is in the Bible it is legitimate.
What is the Christian response to this? Well our first response is not to keep quite! We must speak up and refute this ungodliness from the Bible.
So where do we start? In the beginning, when in doubt we consult the blue print. In many debates about human sexuality today Christians act as is our sexuality was not designed for a particular purpose. These people then go on to say sexuality can be used for any purpose we imagine. This is however, not the case. The Bible in Genesis 1 and 2 lets us know that God deliberately created man male and female for the purpose of marriage. In addition one can note from Jesus’ elaboration on these passages in Mathew 19 that God specifically intended for marriage to be a union between one man and one woman. The Apostle Paul further develops the theology of marriage in Ephesians Chapter 5 by noting that human marriage is modeled along the lines of the relationship between Christ and his Church. As in Christ and his ONE bride. So this brief survey reveals that the Biblical norm is for a man to have ONE wife.
What about all the prominent polygamists in the Bible? One might note that prominent among them is David, a man after God’s own heart! Well, we must note that in the narratives of these Saints lives nowhere does God affirm polygamy as the norm. In short they were sinning by marring multiple wives. So why weren’t they asked to divorce? As far as I can tell God seems to recognize marriage even wrong marriages and expects the institution of marriage to be honoured even when wrongly entered into. It is for this reason that God introduces regulations to ensure that those who engage in polygamy do not abuse their spouses.
Okay that is the Biblical angle. In brief of course. Each point could be developed in greater complexity but for now that will suffice. Let have a look at the assertions that a man cannot stick to one woman. Well the Bible tells us that all people are sinful and are by nature rebels against God. The Christian must assert that it is sin and not the lack of sufficient sexual partners that causes martial unfaithfulness. I believe that the case of Jacob Zuma proves the case. The man has multiple wives and could easily have added another woman to his “krall” but not his sinful lack of self restraint lead him to cheat on his multiple wives. On this basis I believe that Biblically the Christian should oppose any suggestion that lack of self control is a warrant for polygamy.
Apart from using the Bible to refute the advocates of polygamy I believe that the Christian is to live a counter cultural life that displays God’s standards. When single the Christian is to be Chaste and not engage in sexual immorality. When married the Christian is to stick to their spouse and keep the marriage bed undefiled.
Recently, the media has joined in the Polygamy advocacy campaign. Bliss magazine for example recently published a pro polygamy article. In article an advocate of polygamy noted that several Biblical figures were polygamists. Though the article did not develop the point exegetically the clear implication is, since polygamy is in the Bible it is legitimate.
What is the Christian response to this? Well our first response is not to keep quite! We must speak up and refute this ungodliness from the Bible.
So where do we start? In the beginning, when in doubt we consult the blue print. In many debates about human sexuality today Christians act as is our sexuality was not designed for a particular purpose. These people then go on to say sexuality can be used for any purpose we imagine. This is however, not the case. The Bible in Genesis 1 and 2 lets us know that God deliberately created man male and female for the purpose of marriage. In addition one can note from Jesus’ elaboration on these passages in Mathew 19 that God specifically intended for marriage to be a union between one man and one woman. The Apostle Paul further develops the theology of marriage in Ephesians Chapter 5 by noting that human marriage is modeled along the lines of the relationship between Christ and his Church. As in Christ and his ONE bride. So this brief survey reveals that the Biblical norm is for a man to have ONE wife.
What about all the prominent polygamists in the Bible? One might note that prominent among them is David, a man after God’s own heart! Well, we must note that in the narratives of these Saints lives nowhere does God affirm polygamy as the norm. In short they were sinning by marring multiple wives. So why weren’t they asked to divorce? As far as I can tell God seems to recognize marriage even wrong marriages and expects the institution of marriage to be honoured even when wrongly entered into. It is for this reason that God introduces regulations to ensure that those who engage in polygamy do not abuse their spouses.
Okay that is the Biblical angle. In brief of course. Each point could be developed in greater complexity but for now that will suffice. Let have a look at the assertions that a man cannot stick to one woman. Well the Bible tells us that all people are sinful and are by nature rebels against God. The Christian must assert that it is sin and not the lack of sufficient sexual partners that causes martial unfaithfulness. I believe that the case of Jacob Zuma proves the case. The man has multiple wives and could easily have added another woman to his “krall” but not his sinful lack of self restraint lead him to cheat on his multiple wives. On this basis I believe that Biblically the Christian should oppose any suggestion that lack of self control is a warrant for polygamy.
Apart from using the Bible to refute the advocates of polygamy I believe that the Christian is to live a counter cultural life that displays God’s standards. When single the Christian is to be Chaste and not engage in sexual immorality. When married the Christian is to stick to their spouse and keep the marriage bed undefiled.